Monday, September 15, 2014


The world can be a very demanding place. Every minute that we have is quantified into dollars and billed to us. A whole segment of society has been criminalized and targeted by law enforcement terrorists. TV programs constantly transmit worry, fear, and doubt each ad insisting you need the product they are pushing to live. In the midst of howling ghosts of a collapsing system we have got the greatest opportunity ever given to  humanity. First, we must address our stress and let it go. We are defined not only by what we do but also what we will no longer do. Just say NO to legalized police terrorism. Just say NO to bandits with badges. Just say NO to the illusion of lack. Just say NO to the status quo. Just say NO to anyone who stands in the way of progress even if you are your own impediment. JUST SAY NO to anything that dis-empowers you. What do you say NO to? Call 3234100036  to 2RAW4TV and join us in this epic and progressive discussion.

Tamara Bubble talks about how she balnces hip hop and singing, her best shows, and why she Just says NO

9/18/14 @11PM EST CALL 3234100036 TO COMMENT, ?, OR LISTEN VIA PHONE

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